"Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again."
This flower essence blend is fantastic for the adolescent and pre-teen years to assist with the feelings that hormonal changes bring up. It also assists with enhancing communication, the ability to cope with change and helps increase self-esteem. So if you have stony silence or 'it's not fair' attitude at home from anyone in the ages of 10 and up....then you're very welcome in advance!
Emotional State: Feeling of hopelessness, Insensitive, Sense of not belonging, "It's not fair" attitude, Rebellious, Anger, Mood Swings
Positive Outcome: Coping with change, Consideration of others, Enhances communication, Enhanced self esteem
Comes in a discounted Teenager Pack with the four blends most needed in these transitional and emotion-filled tween and teen years, available here.
Dosage 7 drops twice daily and/or as needed.
Works wonderfully in conjunction with using the Teenager Mist.
Vibrational infusion of water and flowers: Balga, Brachycome, Christmas Tree Kanya, Yellow Leschenaultia, Fringed Lily Twiner, Australian neutral cane ethanol (trace amount as preservative).
Teenager Blend
Vibrational infusion of water and flowers: Orange Spiked Pea, Hybrid Pink Fairy/Cowslip Orchid, Purple Flag Flower, Fringed Lily Twiner, Cowslip Orchid, Australian neutral cane ethanol (trace amount as preservative).