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"Because sometimes our hearts and heads can feel a bit messy."

This flower essence blend helps minimise the amount and frequency of emotional eruptions! Everything we have to process on a daily basis can build up in our energy body and often all our emotions are stored for later when it feels 'safe' to let loose. Tantrum Tamer helps us to process and safely release emotions as they occur rather than save them all up for that one big mother load.

For Kids: A blend for easing your little one out of a complete melt down (when you see the early warning signs!) and for yourself when feeling like you are about to have your own adult sized tanty! This blend calms, soothes and reassures. A great blend to use for helping with any emotions surrounding separation difficulties between you and your child so especially good if there are issues with daycare/school drop off etc.

Works wonderfully in conjunction with using the Tantrum Tamer Mist.

Emotional State: Overwhelmed ۢ Emotional ۢ Frustrated ۢ Fear of separation
Positive Outcomes: Inner Calm ۢ Soothing ۢ Reassurance

Dosage for ages 2 and up - 7 drops twice daily and/or as needed.

Tantrum Tamer Drops

SKU: 5928175054561
  • Vibrational infusion of water and flowers: Orange Spiked Pea, Hybrid Pink Fairy/Cowslip Orchid, Purple Flag Flower, Fringed Lily Twiner, Cowslip Orchid, Australian neutral cane ethanol (trace amount as preservative).

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